Sunday, March 22, 2009

International Teaching Blogs

Teaching frenzy is a blog posted by Hanna an ESL teacher in Portugal. An interesting post she has is where she makes a reading comprehension worksheet on a local teen star. These types of worksheets catch the eyes of students she is told. I think so to because it is something that students can relate to other than it just being school work. She also posts a worksheet for younger students that varies in activity from coloring to connecting dots. At her school they celebrate many holidays including father's day. The students usually do a 'best dad certificate' she sees where this may be a problem because some children have broken homes or their parent may have died recently. I understand that completely. She has many links on her blog.Click here to check out Hanna's blogs.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Alice Christie's Website

Dr. Alice Christie's website is a great resource for teachers and future teachers. Her site has information on workshops, educational technology, GPS and geocaching, web design, searching the web, photography, and searching the web. Specifically web design I felt was interesting because as a future teacher I plan on using technology in my classroom. To do this my web page should be easy to use for young students. I don't know much about how that part works so reading the information she has presented, has informed me on that part of the subject.

Dr. Christie has links to help you on different aspects of web design. Design principles sets you up on design tips, good designs and bad designs, resizing photos, adding text to photos, and using photos to create text. She also provides a toolkit, a way to capture images. Using tables, tables can be used to create charts, schedules, and positioning clip art. She has a rubric to look over as well as tips to get you started. She provides information about copyright issues. Click here for more information on Dr. Alice Christie.